This Sunday is the first Sunday in Lent and our worship shifts to the evening. From 5:15 to 5:30, Carol D. will be leading some sung prayers in the sanctuary and our liturgy (Unfailing Light) will begin at 5:30. Adult Forum will happen after worship and refreshments. If you'd like to add some candles to the worship space, please bring them by anytime.
![]() Local Welcome UniLu has a very, very rare opportunity coming up in the next few months. Unlike most congregations that are 50 years old and built in residential neighborhoods, UniLu has a housing development being built a block and a half away. Is anyone interested in a conversation about how we might welcome our new neighbors? ![]() Worship Arts: Calling all visual artists! If you would like to be involved in creating art for our worship space, please contact Pastor Greg ([email protected]). We welcome creativity, vision, and manual labor! ![]() Bible Study: Pastor is thinking of starting a Bible Study in March. There is a small group of people already interested and, before we get too far, we’d like to know who else is interested so that we can together select a day and time. The idea right now is to use the Gospel of Matthew (the appointed Gospel for the liturgical year that began this Advent) as the basis of our study. Please contact Pastor Greg ([email protected]) if you would like to be included in forming this Bible Study (though ALL will be welcome after it’s formed). ![]() Sunday Morning Intercessor: A key aspect of our communal worship is the time of congregational prayer – the thanksgivings, petitions, and intercessions that we offer every week. If you would like to take a leadership role in the crafting and leading of our prayers on Sunday morning, please contact Pastor Greg ([email protected]) to find out more. ![]() Lent Vespers Service at Grace Lutheran in Palo Alto Saturday, March 25th, 4 pm The Combined Choirs of Grace Lutheran, First Lutheran, and University Lutheran will sing four excellent pieces: * Bach Cantata 23, "Du wahrer Gott und Davids Sohn" * Dietrich Buxtehude, "Magnificat" * Ola Gjeilo, "Ubi Caritas" * Jean Berger, "The Eyes of All Wait upon Thee"
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