Every year, in preparation for the Great Festival of Easter, Christians around the world set aside 40 days of special focus on prayer, fasting observance, charitable giving, and works of service. We invite you to take note of the modifications to the regular Sunday schedule, and of the special services.
Ash Wednesday - Beginning the journey of Lent together
Sunday Morning Eucharist - Singing, Prayer, Scripture, Communion, Fellowship.
Holy Week and Easter Schedules are here.
Ash Wednesday - Beginning the journey of Lent together
- Join us at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, March 5, for a service of Communion and Ashes.
Sunday Morning Eucharist - Singing, Prayer, Scripture, Communion, Fellowship.
- We have sung prayer at 9:45 AM, followed by worship with holy communion at 10:00 AM.
- All are invited to the Sunday Seminar at 12:15 AM, to discuss Lutheran Spirituality.
Holy Week and Easter Schedules are here.