During the COVID-19 sheltering in place mandate, we built desks to help children attend school at home...
A local teacher in the community told our former Pastor Greg that he had one student "attending school" online from the couch and two from the floor.
A lot of the justice issues that we (individually and as a congregation) are addressing these days require our mental and emotional output; sometimes it's good to balance that with something that requires physical output. The UniLu sanctuary became a warehouse for “desk assembly kits.” Each kit included lumber, screws, tools, sand paper, and instructions to assemble it. NOV 2020: Church Together - Campus Ministry Congregation Finds New Way to Help Students | Sierra Pacific Synod #50
University Lutheran Church (UniLu) is a campus ministry congregation of the ELCA, founded in the 1960s to be a ministry to the community gathered around Stanford University in Palo Alto. A small congregation, UniLu is deeply committed to issues of justice, spiritual formation, leadership development for students, and fostering a community of faith for those engaged in the university setting... read more. |
Desks requested so far: 77
Desks completed so far: 77 |