Worship in Holy Week and Easter...

- Palm Sunday Procession and Eucharist - 10:00 AM (PT) - Jesus enters Jerusalem not so much in a parade but in a staged counter-procession. Across town, the Roman governor would have been entering Jerusalem, with horses and banners and armor and gold and an entourage, to keep an eye on things during Passover. Jesus enters with palms and a donkey and people shouting Hosanna, Save Us! This is no ordinary ride into town - Jesus is offering a vision that counters that of oppression and occupation. Online and In Person.
- Maundy Thursday - Last Supper Church - 7:00 PM (PT) - This service is centered around holy communion, scripture, singing, foot washing, and stripping of the sanctuary while hearing the words of the 22nd Psalm. This is the first part of a three part service, continuing Good Friday night. Online and In Person.
- Good Friday - Service of Scripture and Adoration of the Cross - 7:00 PM (PT) - This service is one of reflection, prayer, and contemplation of the forces in the world that would lead to the crucifixion of Jesus. The service does not end but continues with the Easter Vigil. Online and In Person.
- Easter Vigil - Saturday - 8:00 PM - This service begins with a new fire, the telling of redemption stories (from the flood, from Egypt, from the great fish, from the fiery furnace), and culminates with the first Eucharist of Easter and a reception to follow. Beginning on the UniLu Green, dress warm for night service. In Person Only.
- Easter Sunrise Eucharist - 6:30 AM on the Stanford Dish. A group of hikers will leave UniLu at 5:30 AM to begin walking to and up to the Dish. In Person Only.
- Easter Breakfast - After sunrise service beginning at 8:00 AM. In Person Only.
- Easter Festival Worship - 10:00 AM (PT) - Choir, scripture, prayer, hymns, and holy communion - Christ is Risen! Online and In Person.