All our ministry areas, from worship to property maintenance, to children's ministry, and social justice have committees who make our decisions and enact our faith in the world. Email the office or call (650) 857-9660 to find out more about the areas that you are interested in and checkout: Love God, Love Our Neighbor, Love Each Other, Love UniLu for more information.
Volunteer on the UniLu Property!
Want to get your hands dirty? There are oodles of opportunities to work in the Uni Lu gardens, lawn, and buildings. The Property Committee is on-site nearly every Saturday morning We have an online "Property Fix-It List", where you can find big and small jobs that need work.
Sunday Service Assistants
Every Sunday, Uni Lu community members take on special roles during worship. You can sign up online to:
be a greeter/usher at morning worship
read the Lessons
bring refreshments for "coffee hour" after worship