Celebrating UniLu's First 50 Years!
On Pentecost weekend in 2016, we celebrated University Lutheran Church's formal recognition as a congregation on Pentecost weekend in 1966. We had a Saturday evening Gala on the UniLu Green and a festive Eucharist on Sunday morning.
If you have or have ever had any connection to UniLu -- founding member, neighbor, current member or visitor, supporter, pray-er, or anything else we haven't thought of -- please contact us, as we'd love to be in touch. |
Hearing from the Founders
We also had the chance to hear from people who were here at the beginning, as well as some of those responsible for the founding of the congregation and the building of the space. Below are the first few videos we have of people talking about thier parts in the beginning of University Lutheran Church.
Building UniLu
Hal Segelstad, Chair of the Building Committee, reminisces about the building of the sanctuary, the woodwork of Ed Stiles, the architecture of Dirk Vyn, the sculpture of Tim Forrester, and the weavings of the Cistercian Sisters.
Baptismal Font
Artist Timothy Forrester talks about his experience of designing and sculpting the Baptismal Font.
Pipe Organ
Hal Segelstad also tells the story of how UniLu came to gain the pipe organ that was used for many years before being retired.