Faith is a living, daring confidence in God's grace, so sure and certain that a man could stake his life on it a thousand times.
-Martin Luther
2017 marked the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther's posting his 95 Theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, sparking the Protestant Reformation. All around the world, historians, theologians, sociologists, seminaries, colleges, and congregations marked this anniversary in various ways. At UniLu, we observed the anniversary through worship, education, service, and music/arts. Below is some information about various events that happened at UniLu and elsewhere on the San Francisco Peninsula.
Luther500 Worship
- Reformation Hymn Sing
- Reformation Sunday Eucharist
- Sierra Pacific Synod Luther500 Celebration
Luther500 Education
- Justification by Grace through Faith - Rev. Greg Schaefer
- The Church and Christian Life - Rev. Greg Schaefer
- Roman Catholic context of the Reformation - Rev. Jose Rubio
- Martin Luther and the Reformation - Rev. Greg Schaefer
- Forgiveness will Change Your Life - Rev. Greg Schaefer
- Luther's Theology of the Cross - Rev. Greg Schaefer
- Ecumenical Aspects of Luther's Interpretation of the Bible - Rev. Jon Dechow
- Simul Justus et Peccator - Rev. Greg Schaefer
- God Chooses Us - Rev. Greg Schaefer
Luther500 Service
- Interfaith Justice Event
Luther500 Music and Art
Other items
- Reformation 500: 50 Things you may not know about Luther
- Reformation 500: 50 Reformation Quotes
- Reformation 500: 50 Things you may not know about the Reformation
- Reformation 500: 50 Reformation Sites
- Reformation 500: 50 Reformation Figures
- Reformation 500: 50 Reformation Publications
- Coloring pages bring life to Reformation anniversary study guide