Congregation Annual Meeting 11 October 2015 Each year we gather to review what we have done, to plan our budget, and to elect our Council. Read the reports of each ministry area here -- either one at a time, or as a combined download (3MB)
Agenda | President Maija The agenda as distributed; additional reports were presented during the meeting
Pastor's Report | Pastor Greg It took many members to do the work of the church in 2014-2015
President's Report | President Maija Ending her two year term with gratitude
Worship | Carol Planning and supporting our worship experience
Property | Craig Past year accomplishments: Termite Tenting. Upcoming needs: new patio fence and a new roof
Social Justice | Bruce We undertake service projects, fundraisers, and social justice education
Mutual Ministry | Steve Mutual ministry supports our pastor in building a positive church-to-staff relationship
Internship Lay Committee | Bill This committee provides feedback and support to our pastoral intern / Vicar
Annual Meeting 2014 Committee reports and mission spending plan
Our annual meeting reports are online for you to review at any time. Annual meetings are held in October each year and include committee reports from our ongoing ministries as well as a review of our past year and proposed Mission Spending Plan.